OMG: Ontology for Managing Geometry

Ontology name OMG: Ontology for Managing Geometry
Release date 12/11/2019
Description The Ontology for Managing Geometry (OMG) is an ontology for attaching geometry descriptions to their corresponding things (e.g. building objects). The OMG is designed to provide three levels of adding the geometry descriptions which can be used and combined flexibly. The levels are designed to enable the attachment of metadata and comprise of the following functionalities: Level 1: Direct connections between things and their geometry descriptions using either an object property for RDF-based geometry descriptions or a datatype property for non-RDF-based geometry descriptions resp. links to external files. Level 2: Introduction of an intermediate node between the things and their geometry descriptions. By reifying the geometry description, handling of multiple geometry descriptions of the same things is empowered, metadata (as tags) can be added and dependencies between geometries can be modelled. Level 3: Introduction of an intermediate node between the reified geometry and the geometry description to add geometry states. Thus, the version history of a geometry description can be described and stored.
License CC BY 4.0
Website URI
Author(s) Anna Wagner, Mathias Bonduel, Pieter Pauwels
Language English
Version 0.3
Serialization (Syntax) JSON-LD, RDF/XML, N Triples, TTL
Use Cases Test use case