ifcOWL ontology (IFC4x1)

Ontology name ifcOWL ontology (IFC4x1)
Release date 13/01/2025
Description This ifcOWL ontology is automatically generated from the EXPRESS schema 'IFC4x1' using the 'EXPRESS-to-OWL' converter developed by Pieter Pauwels (pipauwel.pauwels@ugent.be), based on the earlier versions from Jyrki Oraskari (jyrki.oraskari@aalto.fi) and Davy Van Deursen (davy.vandeursen@ugent.be). The ontology is identical to the ontology that is generated from the EXPRESS schema 'IFC4x1.exp' using the 'genOnto' converter developed by Walter Terkaj (ITIA-CNR, walter.terkaj@itia.cnr.it)
License -
Website URI https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/DEV/IFC4_1/OWL/index.html
Author(s) Pieter Pauwels, Walter Terkaj
Language English
Version -
Serialization (Syntax) JSON-LD, RDF/XML, N Triples, TTL